As a multicultural parish family, Saint Patrick’s is dedicated to enriching the spiritual life of our community through faith
in Christ and the Eucharist.
We are a welcoming sign of permanence amidst a neighborhood of change, striving to provide love, trust and support to all.
Mass Schedule
Sunday: Mass at 11:00 AM
Monday: Mass and Novena at 8:30 AM
If you prefer to do your financial transactions on the internet, E-Giving is available to you. You can make your weekly donations, pay for parish event activities, and purchase other items online.
1420 Oak Hill Avenue, Youngstown OH 44507
Phone: 330-743-1109
Fax: 330-743-8810
Email: stpatricks@neo.rr.com
News Feed:
Interested in joining our parish? Need to update your parish information? Call the rectory at 330-743-1109 or click here to print
a registration form.
Join us for Hospitality Sunday on Sunday, February 16 after Mass. More information can be found under Current Events.
Remember that on February 23 we will not meet for in-person classes, but ALL families are asked to attend Mass together that weekend. Students will receive a Full Family Formation sheet on 2/9 to complete as a family at the 2/23 Mass. This sheet will also be available on your parish website. Let's see how many completed Mass sheets we can have returned on March 2! See you then!
First Communion Families - You should have received an email from me this week regarding First Reconciliation and Communion. Let me know if you did not get this information.
Beth Jones
Tickets for next year's Luck of the Irish Raffle are now on sale. Tickets are $100 and only 500 are sold. Over $17,000 in prize money!
Congratulations to Kathie Gaige who was the January winner of $100. The next drawing is February 16. Call the rectory at 330-743-1109 for more information.
Our next Spaghetti dinner will be held on Sunday, March 2 serving from Noon - 3pm in our social hall. Dinners are $10.
The Sauce and Song Concert from 1:15 - 2pm in church will feature
Craig Ziobert / Organ Recital.
Visit Current Events for more information.
Reverse Raffle
Tickets are now on sale for the 2024-2025 Reverse Raffle. Tickets are $65 if purchased by July 31. After July 31, the tickets will be $70. Two monthly raffles of $50 for tickets paid in full. For more information or to purchase a ticket, call 330-743-1109.
Persons who have a desire to learn more about the Roman Catholic faith may find more information here.
RCIA for Children
For information on the RCIA process for children, click here.