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Adults of All Ages

" faith formation is 'essential to who we are and what we do as Church.' "

              ---Our Hearts Were Burning Within Us p.13


As adults ongoing education is crucial to our journey as disciples of Christ. We, as Catholics, have both an obligation and a right to continue to grow in our faith. Adult formation is an integral step in evangelization. Participating in adult formation opportunities gives us the knowledge and confidence to share the Good News with others. 

Here at St. Patrick's, we currently offer the following options for ongoing adult faith formation:


"...adults 'have the greatest responsibilities and the capacity to live the Christian message in its fully developed form.' Their formation in faith is essential for the Church to carry out its mandate to proclaim the Good News of Jesus to the world."

                                        ---Our Hearts Were Burning Within Us p.13




If you have any questions, please call the rectory: 330-743-1109

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